Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 Chicago's Mayoral Election Coverage

Last week Tuesday, I covered the Del Valle election night party over at Revolution Brew in Logan Square.

I'd say out of the 6 candidates, Del Valle would be my choice for mayor. After so many years of corruption in Chicago, an honest man doesn't sound all too bad. Though, I know that an asshole is needed for any job to get done. I'm afraid with Rahm, though some taxes will be lowered, other taxes will rise. The man doesn't seem like he cares for community efforts, just big names and the money that flows in and out of the city. Yes, money is important to the city, but community organizing is just as important. We need to keep our neighborhoods safe, give our kids a good education, and the feeling of support from one another.

One good thing about Rahm is at least, I think I'll have a better chance at getting hired as an police officer. anywho, congrats to Rahm, and maybe next time Del Valle.

and if you are curious of Del Valle's speech for the night, I've recorded and uploaded it on to soundcloud:

Del Valle's Speech by dookieblaster

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