Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Drift Day 20

This past weekend, I staffed at drift day 20 in shawano. I didn't take alot of photos, but the only interesting one is the one below. Brian Peter Vs. I don't know... :)
Drift Day 20

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


and jesse fell.


grip gamber's shattered dreams. he shouldn't have let go...

Monday, April 21, 2008

It's silly looking

It's only because i wanna have what the cool kids already got!

Way back when...

before i got my D80, i shot with a point and shoot. and during the time i shot with a point and shoot, i purchased a manual 35mm film nikon FM10 with my cousin randy. i got that bad boy at helix, after we hung out in the developer.. or dark room. a friend of mine, that goes by the name of phill, had suggested that i use a certain b&w film by kodak. i don't remember which one, but it's still in my camera so if anyone wants to know... anywho, below is a few photos i got together.

Downtown Chicagofrom Lincoln Park

randy is actually a cousin of my actual blood cousin, and who is a the bind between us? the beautiful lady above, madeline.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More HDR

so i think i am kind of getting ahang of this HDR stuff.
Ping Tom Park HDR

above is a picture of a park in Chicago Chinatown, also known as ping tom park.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good Ol' Days

I seriously wish i was a kid again.

Me and my older sister
That's an old photo I scanned of my sister and me. being young, innocent,and naive, life does not get better than that.

Sunday, April 13, 2008



soo goooood!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Sunday Afternoon.

Rode through the city on Sunday. It was a lovely day indeed. Jesse wanted me to take photos of his bicycle. so that was done on the roof top.
Bicycle fotoshoot?
Bicycle fotoshoot?

yeah, and that's it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Trends: HDR

for my photoshop class, one of our projects to make a "how-to" magazine type style of a thing that has to deal with Graphic Design. For my how-to, I chose HDR, since i've been meaning to look into it and learn how to create it in photoshop.

those that do not know what HDR is, or what it stands for, it's High Dynamic Range. What you do is take at least three photos with high exposure, good exposure, and low exposure and put it all together in a HDR merge. what comes out is a photo that looks detailed.. i guess, or "sharp".

and for my crappy creations:
Bi SunHDR of a Roasted Pig

my first attempt, and it's before and after

At Jesse'sJesse in HDR

second attempt, and it's before and after

At Jesse'sMikeHDR

third try, and it's before and after. inorder to really see this one you gotta click on it to see actual size, and it'll look better.. at least i think so. this one also reminds me of those catholic style portrait paintings...