Friday, January 22, 2010

Make a difference and help Uganda!

Help Project FOCUS prove that an online community can gather enough support to provide the internet to a rural community in Uganda without it. Make this video viral...

Spread the internet love. Make an investment. Repeat.

Project FOCUS is partnering with local organizations in rural Southwest Uganda to launch an Internet Cafe, providing access to information and communication previously unavailable to residents of the region. The Cafe will also provide technology skills training, a revenue source for a local community-run primary school, and allocate space and tools for the production of creative multi-media projects. Web access provides communities with the opportunity to improve social welfare, and claim their voice in the global conversation on strategies for rural development. With this service, the local populace will benefit from direct links to job, educational, weather, and health information, as well as more efficient markets for produce and products.

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