Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fuck you, Fox News!

about a week or two, miley cyrus, a teen idol, had a picture of her and her friends making "funny faces". funny faces were the chinky eye/slant thing, where to some asians is offensive when a non-asian, and sometimes even asian folks, are doing it.

first off, miley cyrus wrote a half-ass apology saying she didn't do anything wrong and did not even write a lick of some sort of an apology. then she wrote another half-ass apology letter actually apologizing. at this point, i don't care about miley cyrus, for as long as she understood she did something offensive.

now for Fox News, they had this to show, http://www.foxnews.com/video-search/m/21878925/no_offense.htm

okay, so an Asian Lawyer from LA decides to sue Miley Cyrus for 4 billion dollars. Yes, that is stupid, but why make matters worst in debating that it is stupid with a bunch of white folks on a republican news show?! ALL THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS ON FOX NEWS ARE DEBATING ON THE SUBJECT OF RACE AND THEY ARE FUCKING WHITE! i wonder if they realize how ignorant they all sound. mother fuckers in this mother fucking white ass dominating country. FUCK!

Oh yes, Fox New's Motto -- "Fair and Balance". Fair and balanced my fucking ass. where is the asian person stating their opinion, or the black person when the white female new anchor is talking about the black kids using the "N" word on the train. Balance where is the person that has the opposing opinion on this subject matter? Where is the fucking FAIR and BALANCE of fucking Fox News?!

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