Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fuck you cyclist!

*note this isn't to all cyclist, just the ones i've encountered last night

alright, so after going to movies in the park, i was on my way home. i take my normal route, as i am getting into the neighborhood, i, course of, see more cyclist. at this point, i am keeping my pace because being in this neighborhood, you have riders that have a higher cadence or just prefer to sprint to every stoplight. so a group of 4 or 5 cyclist (probably drunk) are riding behind me. i am keeping my pace and a straight line. so this group starts passing me, and i hear a honk. cyclist starts exploding on this vehicle saying things like, "share the road. watch out for the third lane" and blah blah blah. and of course, riding down the road more they are taking up the whole lane, and i am not that far behind them, which means they aren't going all too fast! obnoxious!

fucking cyclists need to realize that we do share the road with motorists, and the reason why they honk may not be implying that you need to get out of the way but more of a warning that they are speeding through your way. it's not like everyone drives a convertible and are able to shout nicely and fast enough, "car going 20mph faster than you on your left!" and i bet you those cyclist would not be as rowdy if they were by themselves. they also need to realize cars are scared of cyclist, not because of their "bold and confronting attitudes", but that a car is nearly a ton (2000 pounds) or more and a bicycle is 30 pounds. regardless of who impacts who, the bike is going to get far more damage than the car.

so fuck you cyclist and learn how to be understanding! just because you are young and feeling undaunted by the world does not mean everyone is against you. though with an attitude like that... i am on the opposing side

1 comment:

-ben said...

Sometimes asshat cyclists run into psychos such as Christopher Thomas Thompson. Moronic cyclists who rile drivers put me in danger as I might be lumped together with them in the eyes of the (infuriated) driver. Just watch how drivers in San Francisco treat cyclists the week after Critical Mass.