Thursday, April 3, 2008

New Trends: HDR

for my photoshop class, one of our projects to make a "how-to" magazine type style of a thing that has to deal with Graphic Design. For my how-to, I chose HDR, since i've been meaning to look into it and learn how to create it in photoshop.

those that do not know what HDR is, or what it stands for, it's High Dynamic Range. What you do is take at least three photos with high exposure, good exposure, and low exposure and put it all together in a HDR merge. what comes out is a photo that looks detailed.. i guess, or "sharp".

and for my crappy creations:
Bi SunHDR of a Roasted Pig

my first attempt, and it's before and after

At Jesse'sJesse in HDR

second attempt, and it's before and after

At Jesse'sMikeHDR

third try, and it's before and after. inorder to really see this one you gotta click on it to see actual size, and it'll look better.. at least i think so. this one also reminds me of those catholic style portrait paintings...

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